FIS User Flow Prototyping
UX Design + Product Design + UI Design
Prototyping a software for employees to request new server infrastructure for new applications
Role + Responsibilities:
User Journeys, Wireframing, Personas, UI Design
Team Structure:
3 Designers, 1 Consultant
Project Timeline:
4 weeks
The context:
FIS is a fintech software company
The goal:
Research + Persona Development
Our team first looked at the current process, and gathered information on the stakeholders and users involved, as well as the
Screenshot of a Miro board showing pain points from users and IT professionals
I also determined the main user flow by speaking with these users. I was looking to learn the most important tasks that the Pokédex should help them to accomplish. I ended up with these three priorities:
Showing an overview of all the possible Pokémon caught, encountered, and unknown in the Dex (e.g. “How many Pokémon do I have left to catch before I fill my Dex?”)
Identifying Pokémon that users have encountered but haven’t caught yet and may not be familiar with (e.g. “What was the snake pokemon that gym leader just used?”)
Finding specific information about a Pokémon users have already caught and know (e.g. “Is Bulbasaur’s Attack or Special Attack higher?”)
With my information architecture and parameters for an MVP identified, my next step was to make wireframes for this core user flow.
Sketches of hand-drawn wireframes
I’ll go ahead and admit now that part of the fun of this project was making up a reason to draw a bunch of Pokémon. I did briefly do some A/B testing to see which results people preferred, and got mixed responses. A long-time Pokémon fan said that they thought the illustrations were nice, but more stylized so it undercut the more precise and descriptive
Side by side of official art of Bulbasaur (left) and my illustration (right)
Illustrations of the Pokémon Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Espeon, and Metapod
User testing
To match
Determine whether Bulbasaur’s Attack stat is higher than his Special Attack
Sort the Pokédex so that you can see the names of all the Pokemon
Identify this Pokémon:
Flat lay view of multiple individual Pokémon detail screens
I had a blast working on this project. I got to do a deep dive on my favorite game series, draw some cute little guys, and come up with what I think is a nice looking final result. I also enjoyed the process of consulting users and gaining data at every step of the process. From card sorting on the information architecture to A/B testing on illustrations vs. official art, I learned to really value users, and particularly a user group that was diverse in age range, as I had some complete blind spots that wouldn’t be identified without having some older users in my testing group.
On that topic, what I would most like to do with this project on reflection is to perform an accessibility audit. I did this project before having learned much about accessibility, and now I can already see some flags that I’d go back to fix on another iteration.